Tuesday, May 24, 2011


top 10 richest man in 2011

1. Carlos Slim Helu:
He is the wealthiest person in Mexican Telecom Tycoon Carlos Slim Helu, his stake in America rose 35% in a single year. Now he owns a stake worth approximately $23 billion. His total worth is estimated as $73.5 billion, up $18.5 billion in just 1 year.

Carlos Slim Helu most richest person 2011 Top 10 Richest People in The World by 2011
2. Bill Gates
Bill Gates took the 2nd position with an estimated 
worth of $53 billion. After the 50% growth in the price of Microsoft Stock. Bill gates have been the richest man for almost 14 to 15 times.
Bill Gates Richest man 2011 Top 10 Richest People in The World by 2011
3. Warren Buffett 
He has an estimated amount of $47 billion after a $10 billion jump in his stake at BerkShire Hathaway.
warren buffett 2011 richest Top 10 Richest People in The World by 2011
4. Mukesh Ambani
Leader of Reliance Industries, which is India’s most vulnerable company. Mukesh Ambani inherited his corporate from his father who founded the company. He has an estimated amount of 
$29 billion.
mukesh ambani richest 2011 Top 10 Richest People in The World by 2011
5. Lakshmi Mittal
Mittal is running the world’s largest steel manufacturer. Mital;s total worth is an estimated amount of 
$28.7 billion
Lakshmi Mittal richest 2011 Top 10 Richest People in The World by 2011
6. Lawrence Ellison
He is the 6th richest men in the world. He Is a self made founder of database gian Oracle his stock prices rose to 70% in a year. Estimated 
$ 28 billion amount he has.
lawrence ellison richest 2011 Top 10 Richest People in The World by 2011
7. Bernard Arnault
It is a French fashion company. Arnault is now developing Shanghai Business property. His fortune is worth
$27.5 billion.
Bernard Arnault richest 2011 Top 10 Richest People in The World by 2011
8. Eike Batista
Brazil’s richest man grew his money from 
$19.5 to $27 in a year. His ambition is to become world’s richest man. His money comes from his Oil and Gas exploration company, OGX
eike batista richest 2011 Top 10 Richest People in The World by 2011
9. Amancio Ortega
4500 stores in 73 countries. Money worth $25 billion is none other than the Spanish Fashion mogul’s company.
amancio ortega richest 2011 Top 10 Richest People in The World by 2011
10. Karl Albrecht
The 90-year old German is an owner of discount supermarket chain worth 
$23 billion. He had this market just after the World War II.
Karl Albrecht richest 2011 Top 10 Richest People in The World by 2011
top 10 richest man of all time !
( dalam top 10 richest man , pendapat billion depa ni , bukan pendapatan tahunan tapi BULANAN ! imajin la weyhhhhh )


Carlos Slim Helu (1940 - )Carlos Slim Helu - Credit: Imperio Resendiz (Presidencia de la Republica)

$60 billion
When you live for others' opinions, you are dead. I don't want to live thinking about how I'll be remembered.
Carlos Slim Helu 


Warren Buffett (1930 - )  Warren Buffett - Credit: Steve Grayson/WireImage.com

$62 billion
I don't look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.
Warren Buffett


Sam Walton (1918 - 1992)Sam Walton - Credit: Public Domain

$62.1 billion
High expectations are the key to everything.
Sam Walton


Marshall Field (1834 - 1906)Marshall Field - Credit: Public Domain

$63.7 billion
“ More things to remember : 1) The value of time ; 2) The pleasure of working ; 3) The obligation of duty ; 4) The power of kindness ; 5) The wisdom of economy ; 6) The virtue of patience .”


Frederick Weyerhaeuser (1834 - 1914)Frederick Weyerhaeuser - Credit: Public Domain

$76.5 billion


John Jacob Astor (1763 - 1848)John Jacob Astor - Credit: Wikimedia Commons

$116.6 billion
A man who has a million dollars is as well off as if he were rich.
John Jacob Astor


Bill Gates (1955 - )Bill Gates - Credit: UPI

$124 billion
If you can't make your DREAM good, at least make it look good.
Bill Gates


Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794 - 1877)Cornelius Vanderbilt - Credit: Wikimedia Commons

$178.4 billion


Andrew Carnegie (1835 - 1919)Andrew Carnegie - Credit: Wikimedia Commons

$297.8 billion
Every act you have ever performed since the day you were born was performed because you wanted something . Aim for the highest .  
Andrew Carnegie 

NUMBER 1 ! !

John D. Rockefeller (1839 - 1937)John D. Rockefeller - Credit: Wikimedia Commons

$323.4 billion
A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship . If your only goal is to become rich , you will never achieve it .

a dreAm iS A wIsH yOuR hEaRt mAkEs

c i n d e r e l l a

A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you're fast asleep

In dreams you lose your heartaches

Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday

Your rainbow will come smiling thru

No matter how your heart is grieving

If you keep on believing

the dream that you wish will come true

kasih SeoRang JuRUraWaT

. . kenapa masyarakat di malaysia begitu skeptik dengan kerjaya seorang jururawat ? bagi mereka , jururawat ni satu pekerjaan yang lekeh dan tidak educated . . hey people ! ! doctor yang mengaji tinggi dengan macam2 ijazah pon takkan dapat dan tak mau menjaga kamu kat h0spital sepanjang malam , buang uncang ayaq kencing pesakit , jaga makan minum pesakit , layan karenah pesakit . . tapi ! ! nurses do care about their patients ! ! bukan aku nak kata doktor x jaga , tapi doktor cuma mai rawat pesakit yang kronik , bukan nak tolong NURSING hampa ! ! aku sangat sedih dan kecik hati bila aku cakap , i wanna be a nurse .

' hey ! nurse tu pilihan paling last laa haneeem ' 

' buat pa jadi nurse ? sapa nak nikah dengan hang ? '

' nurse ? hahahahahhaahh ! ! ! '

. . tu la masyarakat kita . . skeptik gila dengan profession ni .


mai aku cita kat hampa sejarah jururawat . . professi0n jururawat bermula apabila seorang gadis muda berusia 17 tahun berminat untuk menjadi seorang jururawat . .  FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE , yang dilahirkan pada 12 MEI 1820 (  tarikh lahir dia dijadikan HARI JURURAWAT SEDUNIA ) , invaded this profession . . dia dilahirkan di firenze , itali dan dibesarkan dalam sebuah keluarga berada . . dia berminat dengan kerja2 kemanusiaan dan ingin merawat orang sakit . . tetapi keinginan dia nak merawat orang ditentang hebat oleh ibu dan kakaknya kerana pada masa tu , kerja merawat ni adalah kerja yang HINA dan hospital adalah tempat yang SUCKS ! ! banyak orang panggil doktor untuk datang merawat di rumah . . 

tugas NURSING pada masa tu ( masa sekarang pon sama ) dianggap tidak berapa elok kerana banyak berdepan langsung dengan tubuh pesakit dalam keadaan naked sehingga dilihat sebagai kerjaya tak s0pan . . 

in 1846 , florence went to Kaisersweth , Jerman dan mengenal lebih jauh mengenai rumah sakit moden yang dipelopori oleh Pope Theodor Fliedner and his wife , serta dikelola biarawati Lutheran ( katolik )

pendeta theodor

rumah sakit yang owned by theodor

biarawati lutheran

. . ketika di sana , florence terpesona dengan komitmen yang dipraktikkan oleh biarawati kepada sakit dan mula jatuh cinta dengan kerja sosial as a NURSE !

. . pada zaman perang Crimean 1854 , Florence selalu melawat pesakit pada waktu malam dengan lampunya untuk melihat askar perang yang cedera dan memerlukan bantuan . . kesungguhan dia inilah yang menyebabkan dia lebih dikenali sebagai The Lady With The Lamp . . 

. . sumbangan dia dalam bidang kejururawatan  :-
- memperkenalkan jururawat wanita dalam perang Carimean , Turki
- 1860 , menubuhkan sekolah jururawat di Hospital St. Thomas , London .

- menulis buku bertajuk NOTES ON NURSING , buku stebal i36 mukasurat mengenai kejururawatan

. . Florence  pernah bercinta dengan seorang lelaki bernama Richard Monckton Milnes pada tahun 1842 . . dia seorang politician , a poet , a critic . . 

. .  ketika sedang hangat in love , dia telah melanjutkan pelajaran dia dalam bidang nursing kerana minatnya yang sangat mendalam pada tahun 1844 . . dalam tahun yang sama , cousin dia , 
Cousin Henry Nicholson , proposed dia , , tapi dia tolak sebab dia nak tumpahkan sepenuh effort dia dalam nursing study . . 

. . ( hubungan dia dengan Milnes pon dah agak renggang ) . . so , dengan keberanian yang luar biasa , in 1847 , Richard Monckton Miles wants to marry her but as she is verging on a nervous breakdown she travels to Rome with friends and refuses the proposal . . maka terputus la hubungan cinta mereka . . dia pon sebenarnya sedih tapi dengan keazaman dia , dia teruskan usaha . . dan untuk beberapa lamanya , dia mendengar berita sedih dari famili dia . . 

1874: (January) Death of her father .

selang 6 tahun kesedihan , datang lagi kesedihan . . 

1880: (February) Death of her mother .

dan semakin sedih apabila . . 

1890: Death of her sister . 

 . . dan akibat kesedihan yang melampau , dia pon jatuh sakit . .  pada tahun 1895 , dia telah buta . . dan selepas tu , dia mula hilang upaya dan terpaksa received full-time nursing . . dia hidup selama 15 tahun lagi di london sebelum dia mati . . 

1896 : She is now permanently confined to her bedroom.

1902 : As she can now no longer read or write ,  she adopted a son as her  secretary/housekeeper

1907: Receives the Order of Merit from King Edward the Seventh
, the first time it is given to a woman.

1910: She is no longer capable of speaking . . 13th August , 1910 , she died on age of 90 while sleeping in her bedroom . .  

She never married though proposed for three times, lastly by Thomas Hoades a butcher/farmer from Lea . She felt marriage would not allow her to carry out her work .

Florence's signature on her note giving photographer Lizzie Caswall Smith permission to take her picture while she was in her death bed . .

. . betapa besarnya kasih seorang jururawat . . sanggup korbankan cinta dia demi merawat manusia . . kalo hampa x pandai nak hargai jasa nurse , ikot hampa laaa  . . tepuk dada , tanya hati . .