HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! this is not what a fairytale should be ! !
once up0n a time , in a faraway land , there lived a loving couple who were waiting for their newborn baby . . the wife , SARA , was craving for mango pickles . . the husband , ERIC , obeyed her wife's craveness and travelled into the woods to find some mangoes . . he was riding on his white horse . .
suddenly , angin bertiup dengan begitu kencang ! MAKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eric menjerit . . haha ! . . okey2 . . siries . . tiba2 , eric screamed ! sebatang pokok telah tumbang depan dia and blocked his way to escape form the woods . . dari jauh , eric nampak cahaya samar2 . . a mansion !
dia nampak istana . . without thinking twice , he rode his white horse towards the mansion . . tok! tok ! tok ! ' is there anyone inside ? ' . . he asked . . nobody replied . . eric blushed sebab dia malu tak dilayan . . ha ha ! ! okey2 . . jangan la marahh . . eric terus knocking the door . . tiba2 , pintu terbukak sendiri . . dia berjalan masuk slow2 mana tau tu rumah penjenayah ka , pembunuh altantuya ka , atau gangster lanun cetak rompak kat malaysia . . dia took out a pisau belati dari pinggang dia . . rumah tu macam berpenghuni . . sebab tersedia makanan atas meja siap dengan candle lagi . . eric grab seketui potatoe bun sebab dia lapaq gila kott ! sebelum sempat dia menjamah , tiba2 dia terdengar suara seorang gadis menangis teresak esak dari sebuah bilik di tingkat atas rumah agam tu . .
he stepped up the stairs step by step with the belati in his hand . .dia tried to capture the direction of the sobbing yet scary cry of the woman . . dari jauh , eric nampak ada satu tangga kecik connecting the third floor he was in dengan satu loteng . . hampa nak gambaran x ?
anak panah menunjukkan bilik arah suara tangisan ( kalau kat google ni imej hantu weyh )
. . eric goosebumped . . he creeped slowly to the room . . pintu bilik perempuan tu terbukak sikit dan haruman bunga lavender dari bilik pempuan tu menusuk hidung dia . . 'miss . . im sorry for disturbing . . i am a stranger . . i wish no harm and coming peace . . ' sambil angkat jari peace . . still no reply . . dengan kekuatan yang diserap masuk dari sekeliling , eric tolak pintu dan masuk bilik tu . .
' WATERPARK ! ! you are an angel ! ! ure so damn beautiful ! what the hell are u crying for ? that will ruin you make up ! ' , dengan keterujaan dia melihat seorang gadis ayu memakai gaun labuh pengantin dengan celak tebal yang telah cayaq dek kerana air mata , eric tercarut bahasa2 yang dia pelajari dari masyarakat kampung dia . .
' dont u fear at me ? im dead for almost 1300 years ago . . and i am still waiting for my prince to c0me . . i am princess catherine , from jukata . . ' . . ' holy shit girl ! dont freak me out ! stop talking shitty ! come , wash your face and do treat me as a tetamu ' . . eric pon turun ke dapur . . instead , sebenaqnya dia takut plus shivering gila kot ! ! malam2 cenggini , ada awek gebu pakai gaun pengantin , nangis2 , dengan kesan darah penuh kat badan dia , tobat hantu betui ! . .
' i dont have any cloth youngman . . if u dont mind , let me wear my gown forever . . ' . . 'whatever' . . eric replied tapi dia lansung tak tengok muka pempuan tu . .
sambil makan , eric mula beranikan diri dan bertanya ' well , cath , so ure dead huh ? . . who killed u ? theres a lot of blood on your gown . . so , king forced you to marry laa ? ' . . laju gila soalan kluaq dari mulot dia tapi kalo tengok bawah meja , kaki dia ketaq gila kot . .
' well , i am forced to marry prince edward . . from capri . .
he was such a handsome prince . . but i dont like him either as he was too violent and his daddy was a tyrant ! i was in loved with william , an ordinanry man from a nearby village . .
my dad was so mad at me ! he said , the blood king in my body is too suci and could never be tarnish by any ordinary man . . daddy did everything to separate me from william . .
, , he kurung me in a cottage deep in the forest . . nobody knows i was there even my mom !
but yet william still found me . . then daddy used a spell to let me forget william . . and once again , the spell was broken up by william first kiss and our very very very first kiss . . until one day , daddy forced me to marry prince edward . . i told daddy he is a tyrant and violent . . daddy wont believe in me . . after 3 days , rombongan dari negara capri datang . . prince edward was in the ship too . . i was getting sad and lost ! william had been prisoned all his life time . .
on my wedd day , i ran away from the church into the bushes through the backdoor . .
. . all of the audience , rakyat , even the king and queen were shocked ! then , my dad gave a command to the guards to find me and when they did , daddy will punish me with a heavy punishment , thats it , sentenced william to death ! in the woods , i slept under a tree . . one day , i tried to sneak out to the prison to meet william . . he wasnt there anymore . . he was killed meannessly by my dad . . from that day onwards , i hate my dad . . he was even crueler than RAMSES !(tau pulok dia firaun kojaq) . . haha ! ' . . then she stopped talking suddenly . . ' if you got escaped from the wedd , how could you die ? why ? ' . . eric stopped eating and listen very carefully to the corspe bride . .
' prince edward dendam dengan saya . . he wanted to kill me to put out his revenge . . he searched for me everywhere . . and he found me right here , in this mansion . . i was sleeping at that night . . i heard a man singing a song . . the only song that only william ever sing to me . .
hey cathy-girl ,
you are the nicest thing ever happened to me ,
i love u with all my heart ,
only death can set us apart .
my dear cathy-girl ,
u are a princess ,
i am your slave ,
but u treated me as a king ,
thats why i l0ve u soo . .
i thought william was singing ! then i ran down the stairs and i saw edward tengah pegang a knife . .
sambil ketawa , dia kata ' well u thought your KING come to rescue you huh ? what a brilliant girl ! '. . than he stabbed me for many times . . and leave my body with blood on the stair . . and my spirit terkurung dalam rumah ni . . dan selama 1300 years i am waiting for someone to come and help me to cross over . . ' . . ( dia xtau yang GHOST WHISPERER ada . . haha !) ' . . and now you are here . .please do help me ! ' . .
' what should i do ? ! ' . . ask eric in fear . . ' help me find william's grave . . please . . and please bury me beside him . . ' . .
eric pon mengembara laa dengan cath ke graveyard lama zaman dulu kala . . lepas cari punya cari punya maki2 , last2 jumpak jugak . . WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE . . silap2 . . WILLIAM BLAKE . . kemudian eric pon bantulahh catherine gali sebuah lubang tepi kubur william and semadikan roh dia di situ . .
. . sebelum catherine dikebumikan , dia bagi dekat eric sepucuk surat yang william penah bagi katdia satu masa dulu . . dan berpesan pada eric ' if u have a child , please dont stop them to find their truly love . . if u did , your child will suffer as me do ' . .
tiba2 eric terjaga , dan terdengar suara baby menangis . . rupa2nya dia bermimpi sahaja . . tapi hes sweating like crazy . . keesokan harinya , dia cuba trace balik jalan ke mansion tu berdasarkan mimpi dia dan memang betui ! mansion tu ada ~ dan dia jugak cuba cari graveyard cath and william dan dia jumpa . . suddenly , he cried . .
~ tamat ~
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