Thursday, July 21, 2011

being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble!

. . sometimes , i just wanna the nations show their appreciation to me for being brave or gagah or tabah or budiman . . aku saja hamek risiko dengan doing perkara yang mencabar and risky . . my GOD . . how fool am i . . yes . . people might say ' waw ! its good for being brave as you ' . . but , ill whisper in my heart ' waw ! how good to see me alive after doing such horrible things ' . . haha . . bukannya nak raih perhatian or publicized myself , tapi , kadang2 , theres a time when we DO need people to appreciate our attempts and efforts . . 

. . Life is one big party when we are still young . . apa saja kita buat even salah , people akan kata ' oh my ! shes still young . . she'll learned ' . . kita pon enjoy jaa masa muda , , no biggie langsong . . It’s all good when we’re little, we have pure fun . . but then . . when we turned to 18 + + , people will say ' oh GOD ! takkan benda tu pon tak tau kata salah ! bila nak jadi bijak ha ? ! ' . . 

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