Wednesday, June 1, 2011

i Am nOt dEspErAtE !

hoykehhhhhh . . . . desperate housewives . . aku sangat suka tengok cita nehhh . . sebab lawak . . ya laaaa . . dialog depa tu mmg tipt0p ahhh . . sebenaqnya , ada macam2 nilai dalm cita nehhh . . 

contohnya . . . 

cinta tak mengenal usia . . kadang2 partner yang muda lebih matang dari mana2 cowok yang lebih berusia . . 

bree van de kamp with her new date , keith . . aku suka kata2 keith . . dalam setiap perbualan dia dengan bree . . 

" lets not talk about having child . . it will be my pleasure to only live with you "
" i dont believe in long distance love . . i just wanna stay close to you  "

. . macam2 lagi lahhh quotes of love yang keith watson sebut dalam cita nehhh . . aku pon cayaq . . hua hua hua ! !

. . paran0id dengan past stories should be solved dengan cara kita hadapi paranoid tuu . . 

gabby solis yang fobia dengan past story dia . . 

. . being a harried mother , whove done all the chores at h0me with out her kids help . .

lynette scavo . . . 

. . and also a wife living with hopes to live . . and facing unbearable disease . . and still stand up !

" i have to go for dialysis , 6 hours a day , 3 times a week and tied to a sofa without any drop of water "

. . shortly , cita nehh mmg best ahh ! thumbs up !

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